GameLog: Ultimate Game Tracker Template for Notion
GameLog is a game tracker built for hardcore gamers! Never lose track of your games played and instantly pull up your suggestion for a friend! GameLog contains a library of 1000 most popular Games as of Jan 2023 from IMdb. Built with lots of Features and Views, Hi-res images, carefully designed to have an elevated game tracking experience. You can always host your GameLog on the web and share it to your friends as well! 👌
Parameters Available
- Status : Your current action with Game (Yet to start, Playing, Completed)
- Genre: Anime genres (eg: Action, Adventure, Mystery)
- Score: Ratings of Game by IMdb
- Year: Year at which the game was released
- URL: URL for Game's IMdb page
- Your Rating: Your rating for your favourite titles
- Your Gaming Devices: Showcase all the gaming devices which you owned!
Views Available
- ✅ Completed list: See all the Games you have completed along with your rating!
- ⬆️ Up next: Pick some game from library and tag them “up next” to keep your self reminded on what to play next.
- 👀 Watching: Don’t lose track of the Game you are currently playing, and always keep an eye out for similar ones.
- ⭐ Your Favs: If you friend asks for a Recommendation, you know where to look for. A collection of your top-rated games.
- 📊 Stats: Keep a score of your games's played, playing and rated 5 star.
- 📅 Freebies Widget: A live widget helping you keep updated with the latest freebies from Epic, Steam etc
- 🎨 Design Packs: Change your GameLog to suit your favourite style/theme (Coming Soon)
- 💲Customer support: Want to learn how to add more Game of your choice using Extensions or Code? HMU
GameLog Notion Template
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